Sunday, February 20, 2011


If one is forced to do an eight hour air travel layover, there are far worse places to be stuck than Inchon.

This is a huge airport and the distance between gates can be daunting. On the plus side almost any amenity one is willing to spend for is available.

There are short stay hotels, showers, lots of quiet sleeper lounges with comfy benches and floor height loungers. The food is good and not crazily over-priced and everything is spotless.

So after my nap and my lunch, things are OK.

Last night I checked out of the GH and into the swelter of Bangkok at 10 PM. One just gets used to sweaty. The glorious Metro took me to the transfer point and I popped out of the ground to try to find the Airport Express train. This is the new train that links the airport to downtown with a 15 minute high-speed rail line. Soon it will have airline check-in open before you get on the train.

Everything was brand new. I missed the train by 1 minute but theycome every 15.

From GH door to the train via foot and metro was about 40 minutes.

Breezes through security with my shoes on, crept through Thai passport control and was in the the airport, screened and at the gate, two hours from the guest house door by foot and train. Cost was 177 Baht, about $ 5.50.


Sent from my iPod

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