Wednesday, November 16, 2011

That's A Wrap

The last News-Junkie blog entry goes to press.

What conclusions am I able to draw from the last year of no news?

First off, I AM happier.  I still heard about current events, albeit as a word-of-mouth format, but the lack of minute-to-minute news updates did not detract from my well-being but, rather, added to it.  I feel less constricted by the push and pull of the greater outside world.  My more local world, political or non-political, has become much more important and intimate.

Secondly, I am much more able to laugh at the extreme silliness of the partisan bickering and posturing that goes on all around me.  And, I am much less inclined to either get angry or participate in the meaningless and, ultimately, useless, staking out of positions.

Finally, I have started another blog with the intention of being involved, again, in current events.  This time, however, I am striving for a non-dogmatic and non-partisan approach to achieving a set of specific goals.

Thanks a lot for spending time with me this last year.  It was a great experiment and I learned a lot!  Whether or not I get involved again with the news media will depend a great deal on how I feel if and when I do.  I am pretty fond of this new way to engage and I enjoy the calmer feeling that I am more able to maintain as a result.

Again, thank you for tolerating this blather.  Please check out my new persona, The Reverend Squeaky-Eye as he takes on financial issues in the new blog:

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