While we are about the business of knocking over the last upright bricks in the foundation of post-modern capitalism, another method of striking a blow occurs to me. How would you like to have some American Gothic sort of fun, maybe meet the neighbors, and in the process strike another blow? Easey-peasy.
Grow your own.
Well, you can do that too, and it will be striking a blow of a different sort. but what I actually meant was growing your own food. That's right, grow some food. Reclaim a little land, Sisters and Brothers, even if you dwell in the confines of the apartment block or the condo. Bring a bit of the earth back into cultivation. After all, its even an exhortation in the bible somewhere. Get some pots, fill 'em with dirt and grow some maters on your deck or balcony. If you want to get crazy, check the web for window gardens and grow some greens in recycled pop bottles. Dig up a section of that planter strip and grow squash, not grass.
Whatever way you choose to make with the free edibles, you are taking back a little control, even if its one pot at a time. First, each plant you grow throws a little precious oxygen back into the atmosphere for the collective to breathe. Second, with any luck you will get a few mouthfuls of real food out of the deal, something that did not come out of a food factory. And speaking of food factories, growing a bit of your own consumables means that you are consuming just a bit less of the pre-packaged processed pap that masquerades as modern delectable yumminess these days.
So in a soft and earth-mother sort of way, strike a blow against the food industry and grow a green thing or two. Make the rooftops sag a bit with fecundity and give the corporate farm owners a few bad dreams.
You can add a back-hand blow as well. If you can't quite find enough arable to feed the whole family, try to buy as much of your veg from your local farmer's market as you can. These are the folks that are selling the funny looking maters that aren't all the same and don't come in plastic wrap.
Hey, today it was a one-two punch of green-thumb-fu!! Rock the green world Boys and Girls.
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