New Flash: Panic in the streets of Seattle, its snowing again.
Let the reindeer games begin. Guess I'm working from home tomorrow as the prerequisite bumper car semi-finals will commence at the beginning of rush hour tomorrow. What would be a laughable amount of snow in the Midwest is cataclysmic here in the GreyNorWet.
Its been snowing for less than two hours and yet.... its like instant replay. Buses are jack-knifed on the hills, the one snow plow is headed to Mayor McGinn's house so he can bicycle around the city. From the seat of his snowy cycle he will encourage those stranded by the latest bllizzard which has dumped at least a full inch of snow on the ground.
People of Seattle!! Where is your dignity? This is pathetic.
Without watching the news, I can tell you that each channel has some poor schmuck or schmuck-ette standing near the freeway or a bridge and "Broadcasting Live To Stormwatch 2011". Poor sick almost snowy bastards.
It's like some crazed retelling of the Chicken Little story: "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!" which, in Seattle, is true if someone even whispers that four letter word: snow. Two flakes of snow and the buses spin out of control, tip over and burst into flames. The freeways all become parking lots. Schools for a four country area lock their doors.
The only positive thing is that friends and neighbors go out and frolic in the snow, trying to build snowmen when there isn't enough accumulation for a mini-me. I tell you its unseemly to anyone that lives more than a few miles from the equator.
Oh well, if the city wants to give everyone a de facto snow day by allowing the entire infrastructure to come to a complete stop, who am I to bitch too loudly. Ahem, "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow..."
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