Before anyone else posts a comment pointing this out, I have to note that there is at least one other person who has a blog that is very similar to mine, dealing with a year of no news. So my idea is not an original one, not that I thought it was, but in fairness I did think of the idea on my own and only found out about the other blog after I had started mine. So there, I said it first.
Sundays are never my biggest news day so getting through this day without resorting to serious updates on current events was not the greatest feat. I was up early to head to my shop so the Sunday paper stayed where it was on the threshold, waiting for other eyes.
Later in the morning I was joined in my shop by my friend, TD, so working on bikes came to a halt and smoking cigars came to the fore. During the course of the conversation I told TD about my attempting to suffer withdrawal from news media and about the beginning of this blog. Before I could launch into a detailed explanation, my friend got the bit in his teeth and described himself as a lifelong news junkie, doing an admirable job of paraphrasing my first blog post and then went on to say that he was wrestling with the exact same issues. He concluded that maybe he would "join me" in a news boycott.
I am definitely not trying to get other people to join me or to start any sort of a movement, even if I thought I could. OK, OK, if I could get a million people to boycott Fox (faux) News I would. Hey, I am a recovering news junkie. Some of that sort of babble is going to burble out every once in awhile.
Now that I have gotten that off my chest, I have to say that it was interesting to find common ground with the first close friend I mentioned this experiment to.
Sixty Minutes is about to air on the tube. I think I will go see "Despicable Me" instead.
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